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Boots Cruelty-Free Status and Its Acquired Brands

Updated 3/2/2020

Boots is a world-known beauty brand that’s based in the UK but has some American brands that we see in our local department stores. A big question that has been roaming the cruelty-free world is whether or not Boots is cruelty-free. This would affect the brands Boots has acquired as well, such as Botanics, No 7 and Soap and Glory.

Boots UK, also parent to Botanics USA, No 7 and Soap & Glory

There is little to no information on the internet regarding Boots’ cruelty-free status so I have reached out to their team directly to get a clear answer. It was a little difficult to get a straight answer from them, but a customer service representative took my email up the supply chain, and I was able to get a clear answer. Boots has a confidentiality statement at the bottom of their email so I am unable to disclose the exact response, but based on their email to me directly, below is the conclusion on Boots’ cruelty-free status.

Does Boots Test on Animals?

They do not conduct animal testing on their products or ingredients and ensure their ingredients are not currently being tested on animals.

Does Boots Sell in China?

They do sell products in other countries. They stated that in countries where animal testing is required by law, they use a premier online platform to distribute products overseas without being sold in stores. They sell online, but not in stores in China, which does not require and is not subject to animal testing.

Is Boots Owned By a Parent Company That Tests On animals?

Yes…. Boots is owned by Walgreens Boots Alliance, a corporation that sells pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and household cleaners that are tested on animals.

So, is Boots Cruelty-Free?

Based on the email I received from Boots, the brand is cruelty-free, which means Botanics, No 7 and Soap & Glory are also cruelty-free. However, if you continue up the ladder, the major organization that is tied to each of these brands does test on animals. So, unfortunately Boots, Botanics, No 7 and Soap and Glory are all affiliated with a parent company that tests on animals. None of these brands are 100% cruelty-free.

If the parent company does not concern you as a cruelty-free consumer, then Boots and its acquired brands are safe to support as cruelty-free brands.

EDIT: I’ve seen some concerns on Instagram about people hearing that Boots are not able to verify that their ingredient suppliers do not test on animals. So, I reached out to them again to get clarification. See below for their official response regarding their ingredients:

Dear Ms Kilbourn,

Thank you for your further email. Please excuse the delay in my response, I have unfortunately been away from the business.

We have set and maintained our own high standards, and strict policies regarding animal testing, over many years and in doing so, can  reassure you that you can buy and use our products with confidence that they, and the ingredients used within, have not been tested on animals.

Aside from our strict specifications, we only use known and trusted suppliers that adhere to our core company beliefs and this helps us to feel fully assured that the our products to meet the standards and expectations set and that none of the ingredients used within are testing on animals.

Thank you, once again, for your time. If I can be of any further assistance, please do let me know.

Yours sincerely,

Aaron Newbold

Senior Customer Manager 

Boots, Botanics, No 7, and Soap and Glory are all cruelty-free brands. But remember, their parent company Walgreens Boots Alliance is not.

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  1. Caroline A

    I also emailed Boots, and asked why they don’t have the leaping bunny logo on their products, if they are indeed cruelty free like they say as Superdrug, M&S , Primark e.t.c. who all have the leaping bunny on their own products
    They told me they don’t need it on their products. They obviously either don’t care or maybe wouldn’t get the logo approved??? I only buy products with the leaping bunny logo on, so no thanks Boots

  2. Emma

    I see Boots sells Biore products. These are tested on animals due to the demand of the Chinese market. How can Boots profit from the sale of Biore products while claiming to be cruelty free?

  3. BW

    Unfortunately even though some companies appear to be cruelty-free they are not very ethical either for Animal testing or for treatment of people, it makes very disturbing reading of the ratings that some of these large companies carry which raises questions about supporting them, but surely if Boots are affiliated with Walgreens Boots Alliance then they are not !00% cruelty-free?

  4. Vendy

    Thanks the comments and information has been most helpful. I agree, and wish also companies would have AF symbols. Grateful for your research and other companies 🙂

  5. Amy

    Hi Stephanie, thank you for your article. I have been staying away from Boots for many years because of the clarity of their response. I am a little confused by how they do sell to countries that test on animals though. Whether or not they distribute from and online platform, is that not still selling products to countries that require testing? And surely the profits still go back to them? Therfore still testing on animals?

    I’m hoping you can tell me I have this completely wrong but I am confused by this reply from them.

    Thank you 😊

    • Stephanie

      Hi Amy! Boots only sells to China online through an e-commerce site. Any brand that sells online to China is exempt from all animal testing requirements since it is direct-to-consumer. Boots is 100% cruelty-free and has no ties to animal testing. 🙂

  6. Iris Jones

    Why does Boots cream don’t have the bunny trade mark on their products and why aren’t they on Peta’s list of cruel free? I would love an explanation on this.

    • Stephanie

      Hi Iris! It is completely optional and up to the brand itself to apply for a PETA, or any cruelty-free, certification. A brand can still be 100% CF and not have any certifications, and this is actually the case for many brands. I completely agree that it would make shopping CF much easier if all brands apply for the official certification, but some brands choose not to or are just simply not aware of the benefits.

    • Elizabeth Little

      I have just subscribed to ‘The ethical consumer’ and according to that Boots/no 7/soap and glory have its worst rating for Animal testing policy. Walgreens Boots Alliance does not test on animals but it’s suppliers do ‘in order to meet legislative and regulatory requirements and protect health’.
      Thus far I have been buying all these as thought cruelty free:(

      • Stephanie

        I have talked with their upper management team several times and they have confirmed with me that they no longer have suppliers that test on animals. Boots is cruelty-free and I will continue to support them. >3

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