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Is Fizz and Bubble Cruelty-Free?

A question that has been pondering my brain for a long time: Is Fizz and Bubble Cruelty-Free? Fizz and Bubble is a bath and body brand that offers a wide range of deliciously-scented bath products. I walk by their products in Ulta every time I’m there and smell their bath bombs. I have been dying to buy them for literally forever, but I need to know if they’re cruelty-free first.

There is absolutely no information available online regarding Fizz and Bubbles’ cruelty-free status and it has been very difficult to get someone to respond to my questions or inquiries, until just recently. I am so happy that I finally received a response so now I have a clear sense on whether or not Fizz and Bubble is a cruelty-free brand.

Have you been dying to find out if Fizz and Bubble is cruelty-free too? Keep reading to find out.

Below is the brand’s response after asking them about their cruelty-free practices:

Hi Stephanie,

Thank you so much for your patience! I just inquired several departments (including customer service) about this, and received the answers to your questions.

  1. We do not test on animals at any point during production, however we have not received any certification or outside verification on this yet, and it is something we are working towards achieving to have posted on our social media profiles, as well as our website.
  2. We cannot, unfortunately, verify whether or not our ingredient providers test on animals, as we order a vast amount of ingredients from many different vendors. We can safely say, again, that we never test on animals in our facility and never plan to.
  3. No, we have never outsourced animal testing to a third party.
  4. Our brand is not sold in countries that require animal testing by law.
  5. We are not owned by a parent company.
I would like to inform you for clarity’s sake that we are planning to distribute products in China at some point in the future.

Is Fizz and Bubble Cruelty-Free?

At this time, Fizz and Bubble is not 100% cruelty-free per the Free The Bunnies standard. They cannot verify that their ingredient suppliers don’t test on animals. They also currently do not sell in China, where animal testing is required by law, but their email stated that they plan to sell in China in the future. At this time, it is unclear whether or not this will be through E-commerce (cruelty-free) or in stores (not cruelty-free). I have asked for further clarification and have not gotten a response.

Even though I did not get the answer I hoped for, I truly appreciate how open and honest they were with me. I always have respect for brands who aren’t afraid to be transparent, even if they know they aren’t telling me what I want to hear.

Fizz and Bubble is independently owned at this time, so I hope that one day they will consider verifying their ingredient suppliers don’t test on animals and enter the Chinese market through E-commerce. Additionally, in their response to question #1, they said they are working towards a cruelty-free certification, so there is hope that looking into that, they will realize what it takes to be 100% cruelty-free.

Do you want to see Fizz and Bubble on the cruelty-free brands list?

If you want to see Fizz and Bubble on the Free The Bunnies approved cruelty-free brands list, let them know. Letting the brand know what we consumers are looking for, it could help them realize how important it is to be cruelty-free in today’s world.

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XO, Stephanie

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